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Old Fri Mar 27, 2015, 11:21pm
ODog ODog is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 529
Whoa, how about the final sequence there?

Duke up 62-57 with 5 seconds left, Utah is halfheartedly fouling/not fouling. The officials don't seem interested in calling anything and both teams seem content to let the game end.

Suddenly, the L calls one as the horn sounds. Nobody pays it any mind as the horn and whistle were nearly simultaneous and the play has no impact on the outcome.

The coaches shake hands, Utah leaves the court, the game is over ... except the official has a long discussion with the table and ultimately puts .7 back on the clock to shoot the "meaningless" FTs, orders Utah back to the floor, the whole bit.

Duke hits 1 to win by 6 and -- you guessed it -- the spread in many circles was 5.5.

The official was just doing his job and this is really a non-officiating topic, but wow: For thousands of Utah bettors, that instantly became the worst beat of all time.

Serious question: If the crew had just walked off the floor at the horn, would anyone have batted an eyelash from a supervisory perspective?
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