I'm with you guys on this one. If the T is going to come screaming in to get a foul here, it better be an elephant. This was no elephant. The look on the L's face was, "dude, seriously?"
I have a DVR and I stopped it here before the announcers could announce anything. Played it a few times to try and guess what was going to get called. I thought if anything the V shot would be good, and then V would get the ball for the common foul by NC St. on the player between the NC St. player and the shooter. But then I thought, "this would be a very odd call for an emphatically closing trail official to make." Sure enough, he called the foul in the act of shooting.
About a minute later the same official called a travel on a V player in the paint. That was technically a good call, but there hadn't been too many of those types of calls in the game, and here we were with three minutes left. Hmmm
Between that call and the one before, Jay Wright almost lost it. If there hadn't been a chaplain on the bench, he just might have.
Probably not this official's finest few minutes. I think he got a little caught up in the emotion of the game. Been there, done that, and I get a little better every time I'm in that kind of scenario. And then I move up a level and the learning curve gets even steeper.