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Old Fri Mar 20, 2015, 01:18pm
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
I don't doubt that at all -- but I *suspect* the refs on this play care more about communicating with the players and coaches (who will understand what it means) than the AAU wannabes and HS coaches who store their rule books in the round file . . . I'm not advocating for the signal, certainly not at lower levels where people do think travelling rules apply (I saw it called (by "it" I mean travellnig rather than leaving the 3' box) in a CYO Jr High game this year, and I believe the referee who called it was also a HS coach . . .)
I see what you're saying, and don't disagree with regard to their intent and their concerns. I also understand D1 guys get away with some different mechanics sometimes. That said:

The guy making this call on a D1 floor is going to be seen by more people than the guy making it in a MS game in the middle of Denver.
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