Originally Posted by youngump
I don't know where this might be written down and it has nothing to do with not being able to retreat (which is only to avoid a tag anyway).
I KNOW about the BR tag play INT; trying to see why before 1st is different than other bases.
Originally Posted by youngump
I judge player to be obstructed for the amount of time that they are immediately affected by the obstruction. So a player tripped on her way to first who lands before the bag is obstructed between home and 1st. A player tripped on her way to first who lands past the bag is obstructed between home and 1st and between 1st and 2nd.
If you don't judge it that way you have quite the problem because the latter runner would otherwise be in advance of the base they would have reached absent the obstruction and not in the segment they were obstructed in which means they could be put out. I see it the same way for a player rounding a base.
Why not by where the OBS occurs?
A runner rounding a base is part of continuing,
once they have reached it (i.e. at the base), so the OBS can apply to the next "between".
I don't see " the latter runner would otherwise be in advance of the base they would have reached absent the obstruction and not in the segment they were obstructed in which means they could be put out" as a problem.