As shown by the multiple Fed threads at the top of this forum, the NFHS rule book is a pain in the butt. High school is the sanction I work the least, and accordingly am least confident in my rules knowledge. Tonight's scrimmage proved it as I made several calls that seemed right to me but the coaches "had never heard of that" etc, etc... Thus I turn to you guys.
Bat checks: Team A has one bat that is otherwise legal, but the grip wrapping has come loose from the handle in several places. It is still one continuous wrap, but it looks like a safety issue (BR getting a finger caught in the grip). I wanted to toss the bat, but my partner was the evaluator and said it was fine. Rule book for NFHS offered no help with a loose grip. The bat is illegal in ASA (grip not permanently attached, 3-1D).
Umpire "obstruction": R1/R2 on 1B/2B. Base hit to left field; my partner and R2 collide and both fall to the ground. Play is made at 3B for the force out. Partner awards runner 3B. Intuitively, I have an out (umpires are part of the field/we are dirt), but I cannot find rule support for this situation either way. I had to paraphrase 10-2-3g (decision on points not covered by rules) to get the defensive coach back in his dugout.
Pitching preliminaries: Pitcher brings her hands together immediately (NOT simultaneously) after stepping on the pitchers plate. Illegal pitch. Coach knows his rulebook and argues that she simulates taking the signal before bringing hands together and there is no minimum amount of time defined. This is a valid argument (maybe), but I rejected it. Good call?
Runners leaving bases during a defensive timeout: Catcher calls for time to talk to pitcher with bases loaded; runners head in to talk to coach. I stop them, send them back to the bag, and ask DHC if she would like a charged offensive conference. I'm thinking this was preventative umpiring. Coach claims she can have the free conference during a timeout. I say no. Fed rule book again not much help; ASA also unclear...this is a charged conference in NCAA.
At least I got a few right tonight:
Obstruction at 1b: Base hit to center, BR is obstructed on the way into 1B by F3. I give the signal and the verbal as she runs though the bag and rounds it late. She begins returning to 1B as the ball comes back to the infield. Coach sends her to 2B where she is tagged out 20 feet from the bag. Offensive coach unhappy: she claims "You can't ever be obstructed and be safe on the same play! That's impossible!"
Batter claims hit by pitch, I call strike: Pitch comes in and hits the low inside zone. I call strike 1 and batter heads to first, saying it hit her. I tell her I didn't see it that way. Coach comes out and wants the batter to get 1B. (I saw the catcher misplay it and drop it, which was actually surprising despite the level of play. Maybe it did touch her...) I tell her I judged the pitch a strike, and even if it did in fact brush the batter's leg and I missed it, it's still a dead ball strike. Same coach as before claims "You can't get hit with a strike! That's impossible!"