Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
In ASA, if you hesitate to announce an awarded base when/until runners are attempting to return during a dead ball, the runner can return safely and legally.
In NFHS, if the runner is beyond the NEXT base than one missed when the ball becomes dead (whether attempting to return at that time or not), then returning to retouch has no legal affect; if properly appealed, the runner is still out (5.2.2.b). Let the runner do whatever she does before allowing the appeal (2.3.b.2); and if that discourages the appeal (the defense thinks that absolves the miss), so be it.
To me, this is a substantial difference between the two sanctions. So I tried going to the ASA site and pulled up the file that has the differences among ASA, NCAA, and NFHS. Despite several searches, I couldn't find this particular rule difference listed. Did I miss it or it simply wasn't included?
I don't do NCAA, but for those that do, which version applies? Or might it be something completely different?