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Old Fri Feb 20, 2015, 10:45am
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Originally Posted by varefump View Post
To the question: "A related, but separate question: If a player leaves the game due to injury, can she return to the game later, perhaps even after having had an out called in her batting order position?", Theresia Wynns at NFHS says that a player cannot come back in if she has gone out because of injury and the team had to play short-handed. However, if a team member shows up to the game and has not been in the game already, then she could take the injured player's spot in the line-up and the team could finish with nine.
I think the blood rule is an exception. Does your source provide a rule reference? Is there a case play I may have missed?

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