Thread: Jump Stop
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Old Sat Feb 14, 2015, 12:02pm
BigCat BigCat is offline
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Originally Posted by Illini_Ref View Post
I have been told by an NCAA official that the "jump-stop" rule is the same in NCAA as it is in NFHS as it relates to a traveling violation. That is, you cannot jump-stop and THEN step or otherwise pivot.

That said, I NEVER see this called a travel at the NCAA level. Has there been any instruction to the officials to let that go? Just really bugs me because when I call it in my HS games, the coaches ALWAYS want an explanation. I'm guessing they watch games and assume that it is legal. I'll continue to call it because it gives a huge advantage in most cases, especially a player jump stopping into the paint and then pivoting back and shooting a little fade-away.
all depends on when dribble is ended. if ended with both feet off floor he can land on two and pivot. NCAA case book play says if uncertain when dribble ends give the "benefit of the doubt" to the dribbler--that it was legal play. NCAA AR 196. Some folks just have more trouble than others seeing travel.
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