Originally Posted by just another ref
And it seems to me that if the NFHS wanted to take away the option of handling it like I suggest, they could easily make that a bit more clear:
"If conflicting preliminary signals are given, then and only then both fouls must be reported."
But there is no reference to signals, good bad or otherwise, requiring anything be done afterward, in this or any other case. And there is also nothing saying that officials may not confer, in this or any other case, before making the final ruling.
They could...but perhaps they don't cause 98 percent of officials know what is meant by the case book play...so the clarification isn't needed in their minds and they are better off spending their energies on deciding whether we are to become the sock police.
If the NFHS wanted to go the route of NCAA-W, then I think they'd make their case book play more closely match that from the NCAA-W's case book. The case book play mandates the officials to get together and decide which call to go with. As it is, it doesn't even come close to matching it.
Not. Even. Close. If NFHS wants to go with what you're suggesting, they would have to go with a major editorial change (that would amount to a rule change).