Thread: Blarge
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Old Thu Feb 12, 2015, 11:09am
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Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
Had my first ever blarge this season. It felt as crappy as you'd think it would feel. It was 3-man, I was C. Play started and finished on my side of the paint. My L didn't get the pre-game memo that C has first crack on his side. It just happened, even though we pre-gamed it. Neither coach had any idea what was supposed to happen under the circumstances, but we explained it to both. Thankfully the coaches were reasonable with the explanation and we handled it the right way. I am very hesitant to jump on a block/charge anymore, no matter which position I'm in. Don't want to have it happen again.
Had one in a summer game a few years ago, I was gun-shy for a while after that. Not with blowing the whistle, but I was extra careful about showing my prelim.
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