Originally Posted by splitveer
I know this might be considered a HTBT moment, but try your best to imagine and lets throw around a few situations that may alter the thinking.
A1 has a throw in on the sideline about 10 feet in the frontcourt. They throw the ball to A2 who has one feet in the front court and one foot in the air stepping to the backcourt. While the feet are in this manner the ball comes to rest in one hand as the ball is being thrown towards the backcourt.
By rule if there is team control in the front, which we may consider if the ball comes to rest in the hand then we would have a backcourt violation.
At what point do we consider team control with only one hand?
Once A2 touches the ball, his location determines the location of the ball. One foot down in the FC, and nothing touching the BC means he has FC location.
Since he catches it, you have TC at that location.
You said he throws it towards the backcourt. What does that mean?