Originally Posted by Nevadaref
One would hope that the league would be consistent, but we all know that the fine would not be the same. This particular fine is about the NBA attempting to protect its newest female official. For several years now league has made it known that it has a desire to have a female official or two working games and is going to take whatever measures it needs to enact that. This is mostly PR and PC so the league can been seen as inclusive.
This is flat out wrong and an attempt to twist facts to fit your pre-determined narrative.
Originally Posted by VaTerp
"Paul, who also is head of the National Basketball Players Association, and several other Clippers players said after postgame interviews that their displeasure had nothing to do with Holtkamp's gender and everything to do with the calls she made on the court."
Replace "her" with "him" and he could have easily applied that statement to any other rookie official.
I think the fine will be around $25K, which is in line with most recent fines for public criticism of officials.
As I stated the day before the fine was announced, Paul's fine was in line with several other recent examples of fines levied for public criticism of officials.