Originally Posted by Rich
There are crappy coaches everywhere. This game brought together two of them, obviously.
What intrigues me is that two teams were doing this. Typically this is a stratedy used by a team that doesn't think it can compete at full speed. Really, really slowing down the game can frustrate the other team. Often after playing defense for 2 minutes, the team that is used to scoring a lot cranks up a crappy shot because they are frustrated.
As I recall, a game not too dissimilar to this was the straw that broke the camel's back for the NBA to insitute a shot clock. I want to say it was a multiple overtime game that ended something like 16-12 -- with only one shot taken each of the fist couple of OT periods, as the team that won the tip in the first couple of OTs held on to take buzzer shots. Tough to sell a product like that!