Thread: Yikes...
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Old Thu Jan 29, 2015, 04:19pm
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
Coaches are responsible for their own reactions. This headline basically says the coach is not expected to behave if an official screws up.

The referees absolutely screwed up. And I would hope they get reprimanded (heck, their failure is on the state refereeing website... so I suspect they did or will). But the referee screw up, even one as egregious as this, does not absolve the coaches of their actions. The referee failure did not CAUSE the ejection... the coach's reaction to it did.
I'm not sure I agree. One technical, fine. The coach had that coming. If I were her, I'd probably get one myself.

But why stay around to give a second one there THAT QUICKLY? It's unrealistic to think a coach is going to get a technical foul and go from 10 to 0 on the angry meter and sit right down. Get out of there, let the coach vent while the FTs are being shot, and if a non-calling official has to sit the coach down, it's a minute later.

I've seen some film the last few weeks. So important for these officials to call a technical and then go all the way over to the table to report it...why? So they can stay in the kitchen of the coach they just whacked?
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