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Old Wed Jan 28, 2015, 12:37pm
La Rikardo La Rikardo is offline
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Originally Posted by bbodb1 View Post
With that in mind, let me ask this follow up question. What should the table do in this situation - if we are sure of the rule?

Please understand I am NOT asking this question in an attempt to be a referee at the table - should the table (sort of quietly ask) the referee are they sure of the procedure in this situation?
2-11-2 says one of the duties of the scorer is to notify the nearer official when there is an infraction of the rules *pertaining to submission of the roster, substitutions or numbers of players. IMO, this situation falls under the category of "pertaining to submission of the roster." I would notify the officials that an infraction of the rules has occurred and provide an explanation of what has occurred. It is not the scorer's duty to determine the penalty for that infraction. If you have informed the officials of the infraction, you have done your job. If they botch the enforcement of the penalty for the infraction (or fail to penalize the infraction at all, in your case), then the fault for that mistake lies entirely with them.
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