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Old Tue Jan 27, 2015, 02:28pm
VaTerp VaTerp is offline
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Originally Posted by Lcubed48 View Post
Yep, it's official. Another postponement for me with clear roads after 1.5" of the white fluffy stuff.
I know some school administrators and know its not an easy job with tons of considerations and liability concerns.

But....... this month has been extremely frustrating as a parent and an official. The one day school should have been closed a few weeks ago in the NoVA area they opened on time. My daughters school bus actually got stuck right in front of my house, the roads were a mess, and it was a huge cluster... all the way around.

Then they overreact the other way and had several closings and delays for virtually nothing. The cancellation today is ridiculous. I had a Fr/V double header that I was looking forward to b/c it should be a competitive game with a great atmosphere and 2 coaches whose games I enjoy doing.

I will still get the game as its been rescheduled for Saturday but it will now require me to leave early from a work conference and get even less time with my family on a Saturday. All b/c of an inch of snow on the ground and roads that were basically cleared by 8am.

Again, I understand all that goes into the decision making process but there have to be ways to improve it. And I think its silly that they don't allow extra-curricular activities on days when school is closed. If the roads are bad in the morning and they feel the need to close school then fine. But when everything is clear by mid morning it is ridiculous to cause even more logistical headaches just for appearances.

Play the damn games!!!!
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