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Old Tue Jan 27, 2015, 11:59am
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Originally Posted by bbodb1 View Post
I was part of the official scoring table at a game last night when the following occurred. As the teams were heading on the court for the opening tip, the table was verifying the correct starters were indicated in the book. During that process, we noticed two problems:

1) One of the five players indicated as a starter for the visiting team was not on the floor. A different player was on the floor.

2) The different player (mentioned in 1 above) was NOT in the book.

The table notified the nearest referee as soon as this was noticed - which happened to be just before the tip could be thrown.

The referee then allowed changes to be made to the book with no penalty (no technical) and he said this was allowable since he was informed by the table of this problem before the tip was thrown. Had we (the table) waited until the tip was thrown and then notified the referee crew of the problem, then (and only then) could a technical foul be given.

Is this correct?

Regardless of that answer, this leads to a larger question - how should the table handle situations like this? If one operates under the premise that the table works for the officials, isn't it best to inform the referee crew as soon as a problem is known / detected?
He had the timing backwards on the starter change. If it's noticed before the game starts, it's a T (or a chance for the coach to play the proper starter). If it's noticed after the game starts, it's too late.

He's 10 minutes off on the timing for adding a player to the book. Even if you give leeway, just prior to the start of the game, it's too late.

All that said, before issuing the T, I'm going to find out if it was a clerical error by the scorer (maybe he missed a name as he was transcribing from the V book to the H book) or if the coach submitted incorrect and incomplete information.
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