Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Not obvious is not the same thing as not happening.
If it happened, even though it may take some a slo-mo or paused video to see it, it still happened. If it is called in such a case, the call is still correct.
Officials that can see it and tell the difference shouldn't have to dumb down their calls for those who can't tell what happened.
I see a lot of those types of plays in real time. My eyes are trained from watching many of these plays and by quickly identifying a pivot foot.
But I'm calling the game in real time and people are watching it in real time. It just isn't that important to me to be able to say "gotcha" on one that nobody else in the building thinks is a travel.
It's rare that any of us move on our philosophy in these threads, so I wonder what the point is sometimes. There are people here (and I'm not specifically referring to the post I'm responding to) who think traveling is a major problem in hoops and it's their goal to let everyone know that. And I just don't care -- I just want to get the ones I'm expected to get (that actually are travels).