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Old Sun Jan 18, 2015, 03:26pm
frezer11 frezer11 is offline
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
Well, there is the whole "moving a moveable ring" aspect of BI, but I don't think that's in play here. Technically, merely touching the net while the ball is on or in the basket is BI.

In practicality, I'm fine with the no call for three reasons:

1. The ball is not affected (which I think is what Camron was implying).
2. Unless the ball is rolling around on the rim (which it was not in this case), deciding whether the net was being touched at the precise moment the ball was on the rim is an educated guess at best.
3. It's tough to trace the arm you see touching the net down to the jersey color amidst the chaos of rebounding. You could conceivably put air in the whistle and then say to yourself, "crap, who was that?" And then you're guessing when awarded points are potentially involved, and that's not good.

In summary, good no call IMO.
I think the ball is very clearly affected. If you just watch the ball itself, when it hits the backboard and then rim, it bounces unnaturally high. I don't know what else could possible cause this except that the rim had been moved, which does affect the ball.

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
That is exactly what happened. It wan't for long, but the basket was pulled down and it popped up to hit the ball...and #44 blue is the one who did it.

There are a few clues to telling that it was pulled down instead of just being touched....
1. The whole backboard support system dipped.
2. The net recoiled straight up into the cylinder which means it was pulled, not merely touched.

Basket should have counted.
In addition to those you listed, if you watch the video with sound, you can clearly hear the sound of the rim popping back to its initial position.
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