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Old Sun Jan 18, 2015, 03:16am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by BigCat View Post
The repeated boundary violation technical is contained in the team technical area and again in the PLAYER technical area. says player gets a T for repeted violations of boundary plane etc. If A1 breaks the plane and team is warned, then A2 does it. it is a team technical not a player technical. however, if the first plane violation was by A1 and then A1 did it again later in game he would be charged with a T (player). the player gets the T if he does it repeatedly. the team gets it if different players do it.

i read it this way because repeated violations of plane is listed in Player technical area as well as team area. if it was never charged to a player it wouldnt be there and say it. thx
That isn't what is meant by that rule. DOG warnings don't include reporting it against a players. As such, there is no way technically hold a player responsible for a DOG warning given 2 quarters back.

What this rule intends to address is a player who keeps crossing the throwin line, likely deliberately, over and over on back-to-back throwins, making a mockery of the game.
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