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Old Sat Jan 17, 2015, 04:52pm
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Originally Posted by mutantducky View Post
So, same situation but instead of a moment, let's say the clock doesn't start for 2 seconds. The refs know for sure the shot would have been late. But because it came before the buzzer you would still count the basket because the refs didn't notice the problem until after? I'm also thinking about hometown cooking, with the clock person being biased.
If one of the officials had a count going, he should have killed it when he got to 6. If he didn't have a count going, you can't just do this because you know it would have been late. Without a count, you've got nothing here.

For me, with 6 seconds to go, I always have a count. If I get to two and the clock hasn't moved, I'm stopping the game, resettin the clock to 4 seconds, and adminstering a new throw-in from the POI.
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