Originally Posted by AremRed
You're right, I shouldn't no-call something just because the result is not palpable to me.
A lot of us old timers had problems when the NFHS made excessive arm swinging (with no contact) a technical foul. It was a hard pill to swallow. Few of us called it unless it was really, really excessive. Now that it's back to a violation, we call it all the time (when it happens).
There. I admit it. There's some type of statute of limitations on this? Right? I don't need the Fashion Police knocking on my door with an arrest warrant.
Now, can we work on this one that I find not very palpable in its present form?
NFHS 9-3-3: A player shall not leave the court for an unauthorized reason.
PENALTY: (Section 3) The ball is dead when the violation occurs and is awarded to the opponents for a throw in from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation. (See 6-7-9 Exception d)
NFHS 10-3-2: A player shall not: Purposely and/or deceitfully delay returning after legally being out of bounds.
PENALTY: (Section 3) Two free throws plus ball for division-line throw-in.
Change 10-3-2 from a technical foul to a violation. Purposely and/or deceitfully delay returning after legally being out of bounds should carry the same penalty as leaving the court for an unauthorized reason.
And, voilà:
NFHS 9-3-3-B: A player shall not purposely and/or deceitfully delay returning after legally being out of bounds.
PENALTY: (Section 3) The ball is dead when the violation occurs and is awarded to the opponents for a throw-in from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation. (See 6-7-9 Exception d)