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Old Sun Jan 11, 2015, 07:30pm
Rich1 Rich1 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 276
Originally Posted by frezer11 View Post
You HAVE to be a teacher to coach in Texas??? While I agree it makes things easier from the district's POV, I'm shocked that that would be an actual requirement.
For public schools, which are governed by the UIL, the coach MUST be a full time employee of the district. While technically a non-certified employee like a custodian or teachers aide could coach this practice has largely been discontinued because of FLSA laws, so the reality is 99.9% of the coaches in our state are certified teachers (including but not limited to PE). Only a retired coach or administrator can be hired as a part-time coach and then only as an assistant.

There are schools under other governing bodies such as TAPPs (parochial/private) that do allow for outside, part-time coaches. Also, this requirement would not apply to AAU, clubs, eec leagues, etc. that are not associated with the UIL.
Its not enough to know the rules and apply them correctly. You must know how to explain it to others!
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