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Old Tue Dec 23, 2014, 09:05pm
mutantducky mutantducky is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 794
I don't know...spin moves like these have been around for a long time. They are unusual and when players do them I usually think it is a sign of skill and I rarely see travels called on these calls. When I slow the second one down I see it but I'm not positive the first one is a travel. I thought the third one was but now all I'm seeing is a good spin move, with the pivot foot established and he steps through with the other foot (and gets blocked)
I can see how you can argue that in the third video the earlier foot is the pivot and not the second one closer to the key but I'm good with the first and third not being called. In the second I think it is clear his pivot foot is set then comes down again.
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