Thread: Fan Ejection
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 17, 2014, 10:58pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by johnny d View Post
The fact is that it is not my problem. Everybody at the game has a defined role and it doesn't matter if that person is making $30 or $300. My role is to officiate the game. It is the role of game management to handle crowd control. How they do that is up to them. If there is a spectator that needs to be removed, it is game management's responsibility to either remove the individual or call the proper authorities to have said person removed.

I don't expect game management to help me or my partners officiate the game. They should not have any expectation that I will help them do their job either.

Finally, it wasn't the officials actions or decision that forced game management to do their job, it was the unruly fans decisions and actions. Perhaps if game management was more proactive in performing crowd control, then the official would not have had to step in and tell them what needs to be done.
If ejecting a fan would you wait until the fan is removed or resume play? I'm assuming resume play?
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