Thread: Fan Ejection
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Old Wed Dec 17, 2014, 09:23pm
BryanV21 BryanV21 is offline
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Originally Posted by PAlbc View Post
You say both it's the GM's incompetence and that you would tell both coaches you would wait. So if some poor guy getting $30 to be a game manager is actually there it's not your problem, but if there isn't you'll wait. Why couldn't you wait in both cases?

I'm going to ask you point blank. If you are legally not allowed to do anything other than:

"Sir, the ref has asked to have you removed. Please come with me."

"No, F off. Suck my ----" (words the gentleman used last night).

"Fine, I'm calling the police."

Call to police is made, and GM and AD stand there (continuing to ask him to leave) and wait.

The whole point of the ejection is to punish them by not being able to watch the game in question, which they still get to do since they refuse to leave and you restarted play. Stand at the table for 1 minute, they guy will be pressured to leave (most likely by the visiting team coach, and his son who was on the team). Problem solved, unruly fan gone, situation diffused.

So what would you have them do? You say it's incompetence, so what is your solution? Or are you just going to go with the "it's not my problem" route? Your decision caused this problem so you should have some idea how to solve it if you say they are incompetent. It's rather sad if you don't understand (or care) that your decision forces someone else to have to deal with the repercussions.
A lot of people act up in order to get attention, and by holding up the game you're giving them exactly what they want. And even if they don't care about attention, you're still making the other fans, players, coaches, and staff wait around because of that fool. Essentially, everybody has to pay for his/her crimes. How is that a better way to handle things?

Unless that fan is doing something that keeps me from being able to continue the game, such as running around the court, I'm not holding it up. To be frank, the game isn't about the fans... it's about the players. And I'll be damned if I'm going to make those players, and every other "innocent" person, suffer in any way because of one that a-hole.
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