Thread: Gender Wars....
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 24, 2014, 12:22pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Moosie74 View Post
If this association doesn't want females officiating boys games, what do they do with females coaching boys teams?

I can think of a few big schools with women who are the head coach of a boys varsity/JV or middle school teams. One school has a woman coaching each of those levels.

One association I work with has 240 +/- officials, 10 are female, 6 only work subvarsity. Odds say you're getting a male, probably 2-3 most nights regardless of the gender of the participants.
Guess your area is more progressive than mine, I've never seen a woman coaching a Freshman/JV boys team, much less the Varsity.
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