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Old Tue Nov 18, 2014, 01:41pm
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post

3) If one takes the position that NCAAW R4-S35-A2 means that there cannot ever be a primary defender during a fast break play, then in the play being discussed, no defender would be allowed to defend B-11 once she gains PC of the Ball and has to be allowed to drive to the Basket uncontested, which in nonsense.

MTD, Sr.
That is not what the rule says at all. I'm not really sure how you came to that conclusion.

NCAA-W Case Book (2014-2015)

A.R. 96. Team A is on a 3 on 2 or a 2 on 3 fast break, and any player on Team B takes an initial guarding position (1) within the restricted area with two feet on the floor and facing the opponent, or (2) outside the restricted area with two feet on the floor and facing the opponent in an attempt to draw a player control/charging foul. A2, who is located outside the lower defensive box, receives a pass before making her move to the basket and crashes into the torso of the Team B player, and the official calls a player control/charging foul.

RULING: (1) The official is incorrect. The Team B player may not establish initial legal guarding position inside the restricted area when guarding a player who has the ball and was located outside the lower defensive box when she started her move to the basket, and the illegal contact by B is a blocking foul. (2) The official is correct. Even though the Team B player is initially a secondary defender, she did not establish initial guarding position inside the restricted area. When illegal contact occurs, it shall be a player control/charging foul. (Rule 4-30, 4-35.3 and 10-1.13)

This clip is literally this case book play save for it being a 4 v 3 fast break.
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Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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