Originally Posted by jTheUmp
Black-ball penalty flag on front right of my belt. No second flag... that's what my hat is for.
Bean bag on front left of the belt. If I carry a second bean bag, it's in the rear-left. (I don't carry a second bean bag for HS games... our crew uses white bean bags. For college games, I do carry the second bag... I've lost a black bean bag once during a game, so now i want to have a spare).
FWIW, I'm an umpire on both Friday and Saturday games.
Why? No specific reason, that's just how I got used to doing it.
Similar for me except I carry a second yellow flag in my right rear pocket. I probably use it once or twice each season. My second bean bag goes in my front right. I hold it for every free kick on Saturday games in the event of a surprise onside kick and I need to mark illegal touching. I put it back in my pocket if the ball is kicked away. I've never used it.
I like the black ball because it doesn't call attention to the flag. I have no issue with guys who use yellow balls though. Just a personal preference.