Thread: rate of pay
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Old Sat Sep 27, 2014, 09:21pm
HLin NC HLin NC is offline
Chain of Fools
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,648
Varsity pay for NC is $76.00 flat. We just got a $6.00 increase this season.

We have regional supervisors that assign us. No crew/school negotiations here.
The furthest we travel on Friday is probably 85-90 miles, one way.

The crew is expected to chip in for gas to the driver but most do not accept it in my present group.

If I were in your shoes, unless I was trying to break into a full time varsity position, I would either turn it down or ignore the call if it was on my cell. Expecting to pull a reserve official that distance is ridiculous. Surely there are closer ones to the location they can contact.
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