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Old Tue Sep 09, 2014, 03:18pm
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by Ref1973 View Post
Yep. And just as I predicted, we'd have a bunch of officials who combine "targeting" and "defenseless player" into one rule and don't know the difference. SMH.
Those who insist on beating these rules down finer than a gnat's eyelash, will likely continue to do so, NO MATTER WHAT, but there's really nothing new.

From the 2013 NFHS Rules, under 9-4 "Illegal Personal Contact" (G) " Make any other contact with an opponent which is deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness", (I) "Initiate illegal helmet contact contact (Butt Block, Face Tackle, Spear), and then goes on to explain each, (B) "Charge into or throw an opponent to the ground after he is obviously out of the play, or after the ball is clearly dead in or out of bounds."

The revised language of the 2014 rule additions adds some clarifying verbiage, but what is now identified as either/both "Targeting" or " Defenseless Player" has been understood universally for decades by those wanting to understand.

Last edited by ajmc; Tue Sep 09, 2014 at 03:21pm.
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