Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Item (2): A ball that is rolling on the ground along the 1B Foul Line in Foul Territory between HP and 1B. At what point do you judge it to be a Fair Ball or a Foul Ball?
When it is touched or has settled.
Or when an offensive player interferes with a defensive player attempting to field a batted ball while over foul territory.
Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Since this is the Softball Forum read NFHS Softball R2-S20-A1 and R2-25-A1; NCAA Softball Rules, ASA, and USSSA rules read the same as the NFHS Softball Rules.
Here is the complete ASA 2014 Text:
FOUL BALL: A batted ball that:
A. Settles or is touched (not caught) on or over foul territory between home and first base or between home and third base.
B. Bounds or rolls past first or third base on or over foul territory.
C. While over foul territory, touches the person, attached or detached equipment or clothing of a player or an umpire, orany object foreign to the natural ground.
D. While over foul territory, an offensive player interferes with a defensive player attempting to field a batted ball.
E. First hits the ground over foul territory beyond first or third base.
F. Touches the batter or the bat in the batter's hand(s) a second time while the batter is within the batter's box
NHFS has one additional text, but that is not the crux of this issue.
They both define a foul ball the same, which is the way I read the OP.
Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Item (4): Would not a defensive player attempting to make a Ball, that is neither Fair nor Foul, a Foul Ball an attempt to play the Ball?
There is no such thing as an attempt to play the Ball.