Originally Posted by Manny A
...S(he) says...
Mike would prefer you say "They said..."
Originally Posted by CecilOne
That's a good question. At least it starts with a question much better than "anything different" or "what did you have".
Theoretically, the former (No, the tag missed," and be done with it) is acceptable, after all it is the BU call and that seems their only doubt.
Now, if the BU asks next "did you see anything else", you are back to non-specific; but I have to answer about the tag. Maybe being inconsistent, but is having both questions really a TWP?
I would only be this picky in the content of the conversation if I was having this discussion with a coach asking me to go for help. Once with my partner, I will offer all I have and they (

) can choose what to do with it. With my partner, I would assume they are (

) capable of using the information appropriately.