Originally Posted by Manny A
Runners at first and third, BU in C. Ground ball to F5, and she throws high to first base. F3 moves back and jumps up to catch the throw, and manages to come down with the ball and her foot touches the very far edge (closest to the fence) of the orange bag. She then tries to swipe tag the BR because she thinks she was supposed to touch white, and misses the tag by inches.
BU rules the runner Out on the swipe tag. First base coach goes to the BU and points out there was no tag, and the BU comes to you. S(he) says, "Did you see a successful swipe tag?" Are you going to answer, "No, the tag missed," and be done with it? Or are you going to say, "No, the tag missed, but she did come down on the orange bag"?
That's a good question. At least it starts with a question much better than "anything different" or "what did you have".
Theoretically, the former (No, the tag missed," and be done with it) is acceptable, after all it is the BU call and that seems their only doubt.
Now, if the BU asks next "did you see anything else", you are back to non-specific; but I have to answer about the tag. Maybe being inconsistent, but is having both questions really a TWP?