Originally Posted by Steve M
yes - delay that first step & let fielder tell you where play is. And know that if the coach really wanted somebody on top of the call, they'd have 3 umpires.
I get that, but I was talking about fielder motioning as if to 1st, after fielding.
Originally Posted by Manny A
You should also be a student of the game and realize that with R1 at second and a ball hit to F6, R1 has no business running to third (unless she's forced by an R2 at first), and if she does, then the likely play with less than two outs is going to be at third base. Don't overanticipate and expect the play to go to first.
Yes it has to be a force, forgot to say R2.
I was looking for a solution for after the SS motions to 1st, "then spins and throws to 3rd". Do you think continuing inward or trying to get back out to avoid the straight line?