Originally Posted by BryanV21
Those that have told us to call them "orange" instead of "red", or "purple" instead of "blue", are probably not going to care either way. But regardless of the possible repercussions, why not just call the team wearing orange "orange"?
My question is, why worry about it one way or the other. I see this like I see the question of wether to take a rolling suitcase or shoulder-carry duffel bag. Do what you want unless it'll make you stand out in a negative way.
Originally Posted by BryanV21
Besides, in our pre-game meeting with each team's captain(s) we let them know what color they will be called. If they want to be called something else due to school pride regarding their colors... who cares? Just do it.
Wait what? I've never done this. I've had partners do it, but they tend to follow up with reminding them that we have black lines all the way around and talking about the current year POEs.