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Old Wed Jul 02, 2003, 04:22am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Since I am relatively young and don't have a good knowledge of the history of the rules of basketball, I'm hoping that some of you may be able to enlighten me. Especially, MTD and JR!
This weekend I had an older coach object to player control foul by saying that the defender was not set. (FYI she was backpedalling when the offensive player ran over her from the front.) I know this is heard quite frequently and I have also had this discussion with my father, who is 65, and tried to explain to him the concept of legal guarding position.
After seeing MTD's post in another thread about stepping on the OOB line, I started wondering if being "set"/stationary was ever part of the block/charge rule. Was it this way back in the 50s when my dad played high school ball? If so, when was it changed?
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