Originally Posted by potato
Was dribbling near the line lost his balance, pushes the ball inbound before player goes out of bound (not ending his dribble), gets both feet back in bound & continues to dribble.
If it's not an interrupted dribble, then this note should apply:
NFHS 9-3 Note: The dribbler has committed a violation if he/she steps on or outside a boundary,
even though he/she is not touching the ball while he/she is out of bounds
It doesn't sound like this (original post) is an interrupted dribble:
Originally Posted by potato
Was dribbling near the line lost his balance, pushes the ball inbound before player goes out of bound (not ending his dribble), gets both feet back in bound & continues to dribble.
NFHS 4-15-5: An interrupted dribble occurs when the ball is loose after deflecting
off the dribbler or after it momentarily gets away from the dribbler. There is no
player control during an interrupted dribble.
This tells me that it was not an interrupted dribble:
Originally Posted by potato
... pushes the ball inbound ...
The ball obviously didn't deflect off the dribbler, and it sounds like it did not momentarily gets away from the dribbler.
Thank God for NFHS 9-3-Note in this day in age when everyone is videotaping everything. "But he wasn't touching the ball when his foot touched the boundary."