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Old Sat Jun 07, 2014, 04:25am
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by potato View Post
under the 1st scenario, would B1 be called a goaltending should he jumped from out of bounds to interrupt the ball when it's going downwards, or will it still be counted as out of bound A ball?

so in both NFHS & NBA, can i say that if the player established possession of the ball while trying to save it throws the ball back in, it shall be considered a pass thus the player may not be the 1st to touch the ball even if he's already inbound?
If a player is pulling off your first scenario, he should be considering representing his country in the long jump. To answer your scenario, a player would be committing two violations at the same time...pick the more severe of the two, award the basket and continue otherwise.

As to your second scenario, you are mixing up an NBA interpretation with the other rule sets. Just to be clear, the interpretation I gave out earlier is SOLELY UNDER NBA RULES (capitalization and bolding to emphasize this point).

Under NFHS/NCAA rules, the act of gaining possession and throwing it back in should be considered the start of a dribble...and penalize or allow as appropriate. It should also be pointed out that one can not, by definition by the ball to oneself.
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