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Old Fri Jun 06, 2014, 09:49pm
dsavitzky dsavitzky is offline
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
#1) Assuming you mean B1 touches the ball without ever coming back inbounds, it would be an immediate OOB violation when B1 touches the ball in all of those scenarios.

#2) There is no requirement to have both feet inbounds by the NFHS, so I'm not sure what you are asking.

2a) OOB has nothing to do with this play, only whether or not we have an illegal dribble depending on factors that are unknown in your scenario.

2b) Legal
Wouldn't (2b) be illegal? It reads as if player control never ends in the scenario. So if the player steps out of bounds while there's player control, isn't it an OOB violation even if he's not actually touching the ball when he's out?
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