NFHS 4-40 Screen
ART. 1 A screen is legal action by a player who, without causing contact,
delays or prevents an opponent from reaching a desired position.
ART. 2 To establish a legal screening position:
a. The screener may face any direction.
b. Time and distance are relevant.
c. The screener must be stationary, except when both are moving in the same
path and the same direction.
d. The screener must stay within his/her vertical plane with a stance
approximately shoulder width apart.
ART. 3 When screening a stationary opponent from the front or side (within
visual field), the screener may be anywhere short of contact.
ART. 4 When screening a stationary opponent from behind (outside the
visual field), the screener must allow the opponent one normal step backward
without contact.
ART. 5 When screening a moving opponent, the screener must allow the
opponent time and distance to avoid contact by stopping or changing direction.
The speed of the player to be screened will determine where the screener may
take his/her stationary position. The position will vary and may be one to two
normal steps or strides from the opponent.
ART. 6 When screening an opponent who is moving in the same path and
direction as the screener, the player behind is responsible if contact is made
because the player in front slows up or stops and the player behind overruns
his/her opponent.
ART. 7 A player who is screened within his/her
visual field is expected to
avoid contact by going around the screener. In cases of screens outside the
field, the opponent may make inadvertent contact with the screener and if the
opponent is running rapidly, the contact may be severe. Such a case is to be ruled
as incidental contact provided the opponent stops or attempts to stop on contact
and moves around the screen, and provided the screener is not displaced if
he/she has the ball.
ART. 8 A player may not use the arms, hands, hips or shoulders to force
his/her way through a screen or to hold the screener and then push the screener
aside in order to maintain a guarding position on an opponent.
Originally Posted by Pantherdreams
... she is not looking in the direction she's running I don't consider that a "blind screen".
Note: I looked this up online: The
visual field refers to the total area in which objects can be seen in the side (peripheral) vision while you focus your eyes on a central point. It doesn't say anything about the direction that the body is facing, it's based on the direction that the eyes are focused. If a player has their body facing north, but has their head turned 180 degrees around like an owl (extreme example not based on reality), then their visual field is the peripheral vision on either side of south.
Is this (below) the NFHS "definition" of a blind screen?
4-27 Incidental Contact
Incidental contact is contact with an opponent which is permitted and which
does not constitute a foul.
Art. 4 A player who is screened within his/her
visual field is expected to
avoid contact with the screener by stopping or going around the screener.
cases of screens outside the visual field, the opponent may make inadvertent
contact with the screener, and such contact is to be ruled incidental contact,
provided the screener is not displaced if he/she has the ball.
Once again, I see little about the direction that the player's body is facing, it seems to be more about the direction that the eyes are facing.