Originally Posted by chapmaja
I agree with your post, however the wording itself does lend itself to discussion. Unfortunately I have a couple coaches in my area, and umpires, who are lawyers by trade.
If you ever want to have a discussion about the way rules are written, have it with a lawyer-coach or a lawyer-umpire. By nature they will pick every single word apart. This can be a good thing, but at the same time, it can be a negative when you are the umpire and they are the coach.
Well, they can "think" whatever they want, doesn't mean they "know" and when it comes down to it, they can use all the references outside the game they want, I don't care.
And it only leads to a "discussion" when people think they know better and read into things looking for a nit to pick.
The rules are written for the game, not and grammar teacher or tech writer.