Originally Posted by UmpireErnie
Apparently this is an editorial annomoly in both NFHS and ASA. I can't find in either book where the runners on base at the time are entitled to advance when the batter-runners batted ball leaves the park for a home run.
NFHS 8-4-3-g and ASA 8-5-H both state that a ball hit over the fence or that hits the foul pole will entitle the batter runner to a "home run". Neither code gives a definition of a "home run" and neither code actually speaks to the runners on base at the time being awarded home!
I mean I KNOW the runners advance home...but I can't prove it in the book.
FWIW, ISF 8.7.g
Runners are entitled to advance without liability to be put out when a fair-batted fly ball
1. Goes over the fence
2. Goes directly off the fielder's glove or body and over the fence in fair territory, or makes contact with the top of the fence and goes over the fence in fair territory, or
3. Contacts the foul pole above the fence level.
EFFECT: The ball is dead and all runners shall be entitled to advance to home plate
There are exceptions after that which I'm too lazy to write, basically excepting when the ball goes into foul territory off the glove or body of fielder, and if it goes over the fence off the glove or body after first hitting the fence (two bases)