Originally Posted by Dakota
I don't see a mess at all. We don't control WHEN the appeal is made; we only rule on the appeal based on the situation at hand. You are making this WWWWAAAAYYYYY too complicated.
Yes, the ruling will depend on the actual situation at the time of the appeal. Period. Full stop.
It will not depend on the situation earlier if only the team had appealed earlier, and certainly not some theoretical situation that might happen later.
I agree with everything you say here. So we may be talking past each other a little bit.
Three situations to rule on if you would just so I understand your position exactly.
B2 singles batting for B1. B1 doubles. B3 comes up to bat and takes a pitch. Defense appeals that B3 is batting out of order.
B2 singles batting for B1. B1 doubles. B3 comes up to bat. B2 scores on a wild pitch. Defense appeals that B3 is batting out of order.
B2 singles batting for B1. B1 doubles. B3 comes up to bat. B2 scores on a B3 single. Defense appeals that B3 has batted out of order.