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Old Tue May 06, 2014, 10:00am
IUgrad92 IUgrad92 is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Many times. I remember discussions about his mechanics or situations (and if you look on YouTube you can probably find some videos too). But keep in mind we are in a YouTube, social media era. And Bavetta has not worked as many big games in the past few years. I know I had to look up to see if Bavetta was still working, because I almost never see him anymore and certainly do not see him on the TNT or ESPN broadcasts many times.

For the record, Bavetta has not worked any playoff games for the last couple of years. And he has not worked a NBA Finals since 2008. So we do not talk about him because he is not working when Joey is or when the playoffs are going on. Perspective.

Eventhough YouTube was rolled out in 2005, it doesn't mean that games from there forward are only on YouTube. There are a ton of game/play clips from games in the 70's, 80's, 90's, etc. So to be honest, the correlation to YouTube and the timeframe to when Bavetta worked a lot really doesn't exist.

Since there were 'many times' Bavetta has been discussed for corny situations, I wonder if you can point to one or two, or at least describe/reference them? Also, would love for you to 'link in' just one YouTube clip of a corny play involving Bavetta. I searched quite a bit and couldn't find anything. Every search I did though, trying to find something on Bavetta, seemed to bring up Joey Crawford clips, which was odd.....
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