Originally Posted by BEAREF
Now read Rule 6-1-4 “…..Each legal pitch shall be declared by the umpire as a strike, ball, fair or foul hit or dead ball. A pitch dropped during delivery and which crosses a foul line shall be called a ball. Otherwise, it will be called a no pitch….”
Since there was not a thrown ball that crossed a foul line shouldn't it be called a no pitch?
This is what a clinician from our state told me when I asked him the question. "No pitch. It can’t be a ball since the pitch (that didn’t happen) didn’t cross a foul line. This happens quite frequently (relatively speaking) at the Major League level. No big deal. Just start over. Who was harmed by it? Nobody…"
I think in the Definition of a pitch NFHS, it states that when a IP is made, "it is not considered a pitch" because the ball became dead at the time of the infraction. The
Penalty is a ball or balk (whatever the case may be). But it is definitely NOT a Pitch.