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Old Fri Apr 25, 2014, 11:28am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by jmkupka View Post
At which point is it too late to correct her mistake?
As soon as ball is in circle?
Sort of... not really, but sort of... (it's not the ball in the circle that makes it too late, it's her being stopped on a base when the ball is in the circle that makes it too late).
As soon as time is called?
If the ball gets to the circle a split-second after she hits 3B, she'll be out on a LBR violation if she tries to fix it then, no?
Sort of...
PU, when time is requested, should pause until all action is completed, however no more action could legally happen at this point, correct?
Assuming the runner is ON third, and stopped, then yes, PU can call time.

One minor thing on your LBR assumption and your "as soon as the ball is in the circle" part. If the runner here is already stopped on the base when the pitcher gets the ball, then your assumptions are right. But the "if the ball gets to the circle a split second after she hits 3B" part... the runners don't have to stop. If she hits 3rd, and rounds a bit, play is not over. The runner, once she stops moving forward, must decide which way to go. If that is back toward 3rd, she CAN continue running back to 2nd, assuming she doesn't again stop on third base.

Yes, it's a nit... but the way this read (to me at least) seemed to make a couple of assumptions that might not always be true.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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