Originally Posted by jmkupka
Goes to whether the runner is considered "awarded" home due to the walk, or forced due to the batter being awarded 1B (see the 1st thread below in "Similar Threads")
In the first case, I would not have her in jeopardy of being appealed until she enters DBT, in the second, I would rule on an appeal as soon as she passed home plate untouched.
Yes, this is the key distinction.
And, Fed's rule book is not completely clear, but as I read it, the BR is awarded 1B, and the other runners advance if forced (and, hence, their base is not an award). The other runners are not in jeopardy while advancing to the next base, but are in jeopardy if they advance beyond, and they are certainly in jeopardy of a missed base appeal should they attempt to advance beyond.
NFHS 8-4 ART. 3 . . . A runner is entitled to advance without liability to be put out when:
a. forced to vacate a base because the batter was awarded first base.
EFFECT: (F.P.) The ball remains in play unless it is blocked. Any runner affected is entitled to one base and may advance farther at their own risk if the ball is in play.