Originally Posted by chapmaja
Today, during a JV game I notice the home school has a different pitcher pitching in the second inning compared with the first inning. (visitors scored 11 in the first inning) The head coach has said nothing to me about a substitution.
Should I a) approach the coach regarding the new pitcher being in? or b) let it go and hope there is not an illegal substitution going on?
In this case I choose a, and asked the coach if she had made a substitution. It was at this time she indicated it wasn't a substitution, but a position change and the previous pitcher was now playing 1st base.
The only place this really impacts would be the possibility of using a courtesy runner for the pitcher, since we have established that defensive switches are generally not required to be reported to the umpire.
How would you handle this as a PU?
First, I would look at the line-up card and see whether she was already in the game. Mark her as the pitcher on the line-up card and play ball.