Originally Posted by Manny A
Who is "we"? The game umpires? The school's head coach so he/she can show the umpires? The school so it has it on file?
The we in this case is the umpires. The coach never presented us with any documentation, and since we didn't actually see any prosthetic limb it really is not our place to go ask if the player has a prosthetic limb. I personally have known several people who have prosthetic legs, and she walked in a very similar manner to several of them, thus why I think she had the prosthetic limb. Without seeing it, we really can't ask though.
What number did you change? You said you didn't have a #4 on the line-up. Did you have a #14? If the coach inadvertently said 4 but it should have been 14, and you had a 14 on the line-up card, there is no violation that requires a warning.
The number on the lineup card was incorrect. The number written on the card was 4 IIRC, but she was actually wearing #14. The players number was not the same as the number written on the lineup card. In this case, the number change does result in a violation requiring a warning to the head coach.
Had he just mistakenly stated the number, then all we have is a coach making a mistake and nothing more. We correct the error in his speaking and move on.